Skype in the Classroom


In the past few weeks I have discovered a very valuable and highly effective ICT tool that thousands of teachers are already using in their classrooms. SKYPE. Of course! Skype in the classroom…why had I never considered this! Well, I am just grateful to have been enlightened to this concept and the many possibilities this fantastic tool provides to enrich the learning environment.

So I busily start Googling and come across this blog that has “50 Awesome Ways to Use Skype in the Classroom” which also provides Skype ideas for teachers and parents. Added to my Feedly page! I then discover Danielle’s blog about the many benefits of Skype. Danielle talks about  ‘Mystery Skype’ an educational game, invented by teachers, played by two classrooms on Skype.  I love it! I will definitely be using this one in my future classroom, to engage the tech savvy kids of today.

This classroom blog called Knowglobe – Classrooms Around the World  provides all the people and classrooms they have Skyped with demonstrating what a great teaching tool Skype in the classroom can be.



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